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A21SE Stage Two Phono Amplifier
There are two dedicated phono amplifiers in the Sugden range and both are borne from our passion for vinyl. The Stage Two offers exceptional value for money with facilities to cater for both MM and MC cartridges. The design is a two box system separating the power supply from the amplifier. The phono amplifier has fixed loading for MM and 100 and 470 Ohm selection for MC.
Our design criteria was to produce a product that was as neutral as possible, retaining a faithful and enjoyable analogue sound.
Inputs Moving magnet, Moving coil
LTVS power in
Outputs Fixed line level output
Gain Adjustment Internal selection for MM or MC
Load Adjustment Internal for MC 100 and 470 Ohms
MM fixed load 47k
Earth Terminal Screw type
External Power Supply Mains powered
Input Sensitivity MM 3.0mV MC 0.15mV
Output 350mV
Frequency Response +/-1.5dB 20Hz-20kHz
Signal to Noise >64dB
Gross Weight (packed) 2kgs
Dimensions Phono amplifier 60 x 140 x 77mm (hwd)
Power supply 50 x 140 x 77mm (hwd)
Unterdorfstrasse 3
CH-5028 Ueken (AG)