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The Caspian Integrated Amplifier, like other products in the range, has received awards and accolades from around the world for its smooth, grippy and powerful sound. A true high-end amplifier without the price tag, it is used as reference in multiple situations.
Using independent power supplies for each channel and a fully symmetrical circuit design, it offers excellent value for its performance level. It can be used with the Caspian Power Amplifier as part of a superior multi-amplification system.
Key Features
Amplifier Type
5 x RCA (CD Input Switchable to gold-plated XLR)
Input Impedance
47 ohms
Speaker (L & R), Gold-plated RCA Preamplifier, Gold-plated RCA tape
Power Output (Per Channel)
> 85 W (8 ohms) / > 125 W (4 ohms)
Power Supply
350 VA Power Amplifier
60 VA Ultra low noise Toroidal transformer
Pre-amplifier section toroidal
Frequency Response
-3 dB, <1 Hz – 90 kHz
40 dB overall
Harmonic Distortion
0.002 % 1 kHz, 0.015 %
20 kHz 10 W - 8 ohms 0.0025 % 1 kHz,
0.03 % 20 kHz 50 W - 8 ohms
Power Consumption
2-CH: 8 ohms = <330 W, 4 ohms = <550 W
Signal to Noise Ratio
Line 108 dB
Dimensions (W x H x D)
432 x 80 x 330 mm (incl. feet)
11 kg
Unterdorfstrasse 3
CH-5028 Ueken (AG)