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The Caspian CD Player is universally regarded as one of the best sounding players at its class. It is no surprise therefore to discover that it manages to enchant and impress with its smooth and life-like reproduction of any genre of music.
It utilises a one-piece optimised motherboard, de-coupled mechanism and dedicated transformer/power supplies for the analogue and digital domains. With this isolation and decoupling technology along with carefully selected components, it is a fine example of how CD still has plenty to offer in high quality audio reproduction.
Key Features
Operating System
CD Digital Audio System (CD, CD-R, CD-RW)
Frequency Response
20 Hz – 20 kHz ± 0.2 dB
Harmonic Distortion
<0.0015 % @ 0 dB, 1 kHz (typically 0.0005 %) <0.005 % @ -30 dB, 1 kHz / <0.01 % @ 0 dB, 20 kHz
Intermodulation Distortion
< 0.001 % @ 0 dB (typically 0.0005 %)
Signal to Noise Ratio
105 dB (L & R)
Wow & Flutter
Quartz precision
Channel Separation
>100 dB @ 1 kHz / >100 dB @ 20 kHz
Output Voltage
2.2 V rms
Digital Outputs
RCA (75 ohms), Optical, XLR (110 ohms)
D/A Conversion
PCM1730E Advance segment
24 bits / 192 kHz
3rd Overtone oscillation
Super precision, custom made
< 130 psec
Idle Pattern
< -105 dB (L & R)
Stop-Band Rejection
< -95 dB
Power Supply
Toroidal transformer
12 fully regulated power rails
Power Consumption
< 20 W
Dimensions (W x H x D)
432 x 80 x 330 mm (Incl. feet)
7 kg
Unterdorfstrasse 3
CH-5028 Ueken (AG)