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Rega Planar 3, black, ohne Tonzelle

früher CHF899.00
  • RB330 tonearm- Designed using the latest 3D CAD & CAM technology, the new RB330 is the culmination of more than 35 years of tonearm design experience. Featuring a brand new bearing housing, and our latest tonearm tube designed using intelligent redistribution of mass ensure this arm will exhibit fewer points of possible resonance. Extreme stability with almost friction free movement from the new high precision bearing assemblies guarantees to gather more information from your vinyl than ever before.
  • Featuring a new bias assembly, re-designed stiffer vertical bearing housing, integrated
    arm clip and an improved spring housing with easier to read numbers.
  • Rega made, new low capacitance phono cable with Neutrik plugs,
  • Improved lower friction, precision horizontal and vertical bearings
  • New design 100g mild steel balance weight.

Plinth- High gloss acrylic, laminated plinth, stiffer and vastly improved appearance, ergonomically positioned power switch.Three plinth finishes available gloss black, white and red.

Double braces- Improved thicker 3mm phenolic bottom brace and new metalised skin phenolic top brace.

Bearing housing – Re-designed brass main hub central bearing, improved fit and construction reducing stress on the bearing itself.

Sub platter- Re-designed sub platter, improved accuracy and improved stiffness.

Platter- New float glass ‘Optiwhite’ polished rim 12mm – Improved accuracy in manufacture and stunning looks.

Re-designed foot- New improved foot to increase stability and reduce vibration transfer.

24V motor - Improved new motor control PCB with integration for the addition of Neo PSU for electronic speed change and improved advanced anti-vibration circuit (sold separately).

Motor cover tray with integrated cooling.

Auf den Merkzettel
Rega Planar 3, black, ohne Tonzelle
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