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The circuit design of the amplifier has been based on the best details of the Monster Mexican family, the new Monster Pineland innovations and the 80’s ODS production. The amplifier is aimed at those who are looking for an extremely rich tone ranging from cleans with percussive crystal clear tones to a wonderful touch sensitive overdrive and compression, wrapped in spacious reverb.
This two-channel amplifier provides an audio space that keeps every guitar in its own unique character. Dynamic tone adjustments and focus switches allow for very detailed tone adjustment and sound balance. Sounds are also “Big” at lower volumes and remain the same at any volume level. It is characterized by the Clean channel’s pure, highly musical and crystal-clear tone, as well as the Lead channel with variable-controlled, tasteful harmonic, first-class touch sensitivity and sustain. The amplifier IS also an excellent platform for external effects and is equipped with an internal, 3-dimensional and dynamic spring reverb with a very wide variability.
After ordering, you will receive an email or phone call from us to confirm the desired options and delivery terms together.
Unterdorfstrasse 3
CH-5028 Ueken (AG)