Musique Edwards

Instruments de musique britanniques haut de gamme / professionnels / Whisky / B&B


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QED XT40i Speakercable (3.0m)

früher CHF189.00


  • By increasing the separation of the conductors inside the cable, and therefore the amount of air between them, QED has created a low-loss Air Gap dielectric. This technology halves the dissipation and capacitance characteristics of the cable, and results in numerous audible improvements - particularly where timing and rhythmic accuracy are concerned. Despite this increased separation, though, XT40i retains the sort of cross-sectional area that makes it ideal for long cable runs.
  • Forming the cable conductors into a tube-like shape around a hollow insulating rod in the centre of the cable equalises current densities, delivers very low inductance and presents a consistent, even load to an amplifier. The result is a cable that retains more of the finest musical details, that handles rhythms and tempos in the most natural and musically satisfying way, and that outperforms rival designs costing far more.
  • Outside diameter: 6 x 14 mm
  • Conductor area: 4 mm²
  • Dielectric properties: Air Gap (εr = 2.4)
  • Conductor chemistry: 99.999% oxygen-free copper
  • Dielectric properties: Air Gap
  • Loop resistance: 8.0 mΩ/m
  • Parallel capacitance: 35 pF/m
  • Dissipation factor @ 10kHz: 0.0295
  • Self-inductance: 0.57 μH/m
Auf den Merkzettel
QED XT40i Speakercable (3.0m)
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